I became intrigued with the Tomatis® Method of auditory training after discovering discussion about the outcomes in the Norman Doige book ‘ The Brains Way of Healing”

Throughout university and subsequent lectures on topics of study I have relied heavily on copious note taking to support what I considered a less dominant auditory system and heightened visual kinaesthetic system of learning and memory.

I suffered with dental damage some years ago and the result was hearing loss.  I am currently reliant on hearing aides and my experience with them has been the disconcerting “tinny” sound of my voice that they produce.  This was something my audiologist could not regulate.  One of the surprising and immediately noticeable gains made upon completion of the Tomatis® program was the huge reduction in this “tinny” sound of my voice and the return of capacity to modulate and express and accept my voice and voice tones.

This restores my sense of communication and fluid engagement in conversations with others.

I am thrilled about this development.  Another remarkable gain is in a heightened appreciation and perception of music, most specifically Jazz music. A whole world has opened and engaged me.  It seems I am able to truly distinguish nuances in the music and have a deep appreciation for those who play the instruments.

During the progression of my Tomatis® training I would at times be flooded with emotions especially when engaged in this music.

I do still take notes in lectures but manage to cope very well with much less dense notes as I feel confident with my auditory memory.

I feel I have great improvements in direct listening and comprehension skills, in conversations or listening to the radio.  I can relate the different speakers in a radio program and relate their stories which is something I struggled with and would “switch off”

In conclusion the whole experience has been wonderful and I am ever grateful for the opportunity to be part of this auditory training.

I don’t seem to be as sensitive to noise in my classroom as I have been in previous years. I think it’s easier to hear the kids and I’m not irritated with the sound of multiple voices as I used to get. I’ve also noticed a significant enough improvement with my tactile sensitivities that I actually want to hug people! This is a first and my friends are all surprised by my sudden transformation from having a five-foot space bubble to wanting to hug them.

I have known Jennifer Muller since September, 2015 and we commenced Tomatis® with her in October, 2016.
My son, my husband and I have all done Tomatis®. My son, who is 9, is more talkative, calmer and more regulated since commencing Tomatis®. The experience was completely painless and drama free for him.
Jennifer is wonderful! She is flexible, understanding, patient, knowledgeable and was wonderful with my child.
The convenience and flexibility of having Jennifer here in Vancouver along with her ability to understand what he needed and to work around his needs is why we would recommend her to anyone considering this amazing therapy for themselves or their family.

The listening worked out very well. I could fit in the full amount of listening for all 13 days. I recently went rafting in Oregon. I have been rafting for 28 years and I felt more stable and secure in the boat than I ever have before. I served as the guide, which I have done for several years, and found that I was able to maneuver the raft much more easily and with much less mental effort. I even had brain space left over for conversation and enjoying the scenery. I’m pretty sure that was Tomatis® since I would expect to have had that level of comfort before now given my years of experience.
I also have found that I feel more grounded and am better able to sort out my emotions, which is resulting in a surer sense of self.
I’m looking forward to the second phase of listening!

This is quite unbelievable, his teachers at play group cannot get over how much calmer he is. He is not sitting out of the group anymore but rather joining in and sharing toys like never before. Confidence I think that is what it is. His language is making quick progress and we can actually understand what he is saying. And this is only after one session. We are excited to keep going with the Tomatis® program.

The biggest change I have noticed in the first session of doing the Tomatis® listening program is that I have always had a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. This seems to have completely disappeared. I am enjoying very deep sleep too.

Over the last six years I completed several cognitive retraining programs, two vision therapy programs, and an auditory retraining program (different from Tomatis). However, only within the last two years did I begin working with Jen Muller and her Tomatis program. This therapy alone as done more for me than any other. My emotional regulation, social intelligence, reading ability, auditory abilities, memory, and even my capacity for wit as vastly improved since I began completing several phases of the Tomatis® program with Jen. I started this cognitive enhancement journey barely being able to read, extremely anxious, and unable to communicate with my peers. Now, thanks to the official Tomatis® program, I am reading with ease, a social butterfly, and attending University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business with an 81% average.

hi Jenn!

Thanks for asking! Preston is doing WONDERFUL!! We’ve actually hit some big milestones recently.  He used to be so addicted to the screen, he would need to fill all his free time with it. Ie: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, car ride, … you name it!

But for the past 1.5 weeks, he’s BARELY had any screen time! he’s just been into arts/crafts/drawing/ (activities he used to HATE!)  & building creative things with Lego.

Just this Saturday, he spent 2 hours doing puzzles by himself! I was honestly floored – wondering who this kid was!

One of the big worries i had (amongst many) was his hyperactivity and his lack of focus. Having him sit down for even 5 minutes to focus on something seemed impossible just a couple of weeks ago! I also worried about how he had such little interest in anything besides screen but i’m now hopeful!

He’s also been playing board games & various card games with us! I can’t even believe his ability to follow the rules, take turns, paying attention the entire time….

He’s also doing Grade 1 math & reading (even though he’s not even in Kindergarten)

HIs fine motor, particularly writing is probably his least favourite table activity, but even that has improved so much and he’s getting faster at getting the letters down on paper.

So to answer your question, yes of course having him do Tomatis was one of the true game changers in his life! We wouldn’t be here without having done the therapy!  His speech only really blossomed b/c of Tomatis!  I find it so meant-to-be b/c we literally only just met Lucky through this reading tutoring program and by the 2nd lesson, she told me about her son and your therapy. And i literally probably saw her 1 more time after that b/c covid hit! AND Preston could not focus AT ALL when she was simply teaching him how to sound out /write the letters in the alphabet! And here he is with advance math/reading skills!  lol.

Anyhow, all this to say, thank you for having shaped this little guy’s future =)

Main goal with this child is self-regulation – To minimise outbursts and angry reactions.

Jackson (5 years old) has done 3 intensive Tomatis® phases and one Safe and Sound Protocol so far.

This message was sent via text message to his Mum Stacey.

Today was great. My heart is so full. I’m so happy to see him playing and having fun with friends.

Someone bonked his hand with a dino while they were playing.  He kind of looked over at me and let out a forced cry.  I came to check on him.  Talked about what happened.  We talked with that person who was also upset because she didn’t mean to hurt his hand.  It was so great.  Something like that in the past would have had a much more angry and physical reaction.  He moving in so quickly and kept playing with her.

He played with so many people all day.

Message from Lucky Tomatis Vancouver